April’s “Tea and a Book” continues its focus on the early 20th century by recommending Rachel Ferguson’s THE BRONTES WENT TO WOOLWORTHS. Rachel Ferguson (1892-1957 — not to be confused with last month’s author, RUBY Ferguson) was a journalist, author, biographer,...
September Tea and a Book: Mrs. Rochester’s Ghost, by Lindsay Marcott
It's barely been a minute since my last "tea and a book" post, but I just read a novel and need to tell you about it. If you know me at all, you know I'm obsessed with the Brontë sisters, particularly Charlotte, and that Jane Eyre is on my top ten list of favorite...
Celebrating new web design with a GIVEAWAY
This past fall I decided to update the look of my website. As always I wanted something Gothic and a bit creepy, but I also yearned for warmth and color. Again and again I came back to this image: It struck me as both bleak and beautiful. Moreover it reminded me of...
Tea with Jane Eyre
Charlotte Bronte's 200th birthday last year inspired me to re-read Jane Eyre, and I decided to make this part of my Read Harder Challenge by watching two film adaptations for comparison to the original text. I'd been meaning to re-watch the 2006 BBC version with Toby...
Brontës on the Brain
I finished a first draft of my latest project, which had been dragging on FOREVER. The ending is a bit sketchy, but at least I have something to work with, so YAY! I am very good at rewarding myself for finished tasks, and this weekend was no exception. Friday night,...