For June’s “Tea and a Book” I am celebrating the work of Winifred Holtby (1898-1935), an English author who published seven novels, two books of poetry, two collections of short stories, and a critical memoir of Virginia Woolf, all before succumbing to kidney disease...

August Tea and a Book & a GIVEAWAY: Ophelia Swam, by Kelley Swain
During our many summers in Oxford, I spent a lot of time in Blackwell's Bookshop -- browsing, reading, drinking tea, and sometimes even writing. It's probably my favorite bookstore in the world because it is enormous, exhaustively stocked, and yet somehow intimate and...
The Right Writing Retreat
Writing is hard work, especially when you must squeeze it in alongside the daily commitments of employment, relationships, domestic engineering, childrearing and pet wrangling. Sometimes the only way to get anything done is to abandon these commitments altogether! If...
June Tea and a Book — Timeless, by Moira Croghan
Timeless is a celebration of Mackinac Island and its cottage architecture. The book includes historical context and gorgeous exterior and interior design photography -- perfect for fine coffee tables everywhere! That said, I must also tell you that this post is much...
Smultronställe in St. Cross Churchyard, Oxford
In my previous post featuring the work of Eva Ibbotson, I enthused about a Swedish word found in one of her novels: smultronställe is a noun meaning that special place treasured or yet to be discovered. It could be an idyllic opening in the forest, a quiet beach, a...
April Tea and a Book: Eva Ibbotson
I first encountered Eva Ibbotson in the YA section of our local Borders bookstore in the early 2000s -- back when I was teaching high school English (and Borders still existed). I began with A Countess Below Stairs and so enjoyed this story of a Russian countess...
A Tour of Three Indie Bookstores in Philadelphia
I've made it my mission--when visiting an interesting city, I will find the best tea rooms AND explore the independent bookstores, and then I'll share my findings with you. My recent post on a lovely Philadelphia tea room is here. Today it's all about the book stores!...
Friday Favorites: Afternoon Tea in Philadelphia
Every January my husband has a meeting in Philadelphia, and I join him when I can. This time I was intent on having tea in the Mary Cassatt Tea Room at the Rittenhouse Hotel, and I was thoroughly delighted when Steve said he'd like to join me. We booked for Wednesday...
Friday Favorites: Holiday Tea at the Arizona Biltmore
Last week Steve had a conference at the Arizona Biltmore, and I was happy to tag along. The Biltmore is famous for its architecture, beautiful grounds, celebrity guests, and . . . afternoon tea! The hotel has a fascinating history and offers cozy elegance along with...
Tea for One at the Boston Public Library
I've been longing to have afternoon tea at the Boston Public Library's Courtyard Tearoom for years now. Due to various commitments and unforeseen conflicts, I haven't had success in getting my husband or a friend to join me, so during this latest trip I went solo. It...
Friday Favorites: Tea on Mackinac Island
Our final tea adventure of the summer took place at The Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. We warmed up with a hike to Fort Mackinac, followed by an 8 mile bike ride around the island. By the time we reached the hotel we were ready for refreshment. Tea service begins at...
Friday Favorites: Tea in Cedar Falls, Iowa
Recently we attended a reunion in Iowa, as my brother and his wife had flown in from Japan to introduce their son to the American side of the family. I loved meeting little Hal (he is DELICIOUS) and spending time with people I don't see as often as I'd like. I also...
Literary Walks: Dorothy Sayers’ Oxford
If you know me at all, you know I love Oxford. You also might recall that I adore the mysteries of Dorothy L. Sayers. While in Oxford this summer I was determined to put together my own literary walk to celebrate Sayers' Gaudy Night and its two main characters,...
Literary Walks: Lyme Regis
Dear reader, I meant to offer a "Tea and a Book" recommendation for June, but there was just too much to do in preparation for travel. I will try again later this month. In the meantime I thought I'd start a new feature on the blog -- "Literary Walks." I love to...
Friday Favorites: Tea in Georgetown
Every time we travel I strive to thoroughly explore the tea options in that area. As it turns out, Georgetown has a lot to offer! 1. Ladurée I've had the pleasure of visiting this French tea room in Paris, London, and New York. Now I can add Washington DC to the list....