Gosh, it’s been a whirlwind lately.
First, in case you missed it, I wanted to share the “Behind the Scenes” video Steve and I made in Cambridge this past summer with the help of Harry, a grad student at Corpus Christi College. Though the video is expertly edited by Flatline Films, it soon will become very clear to you that Steve and I are not professional filmmakers. (Brace yourself for babbling and shaky cam!) Still, I’d love for you to see the setting of The Dark Between, and I know you’ll be charmed by Harry.
My favorite part is the Monty Python-esque “Huge amounts of land” moment! Of course, Harry also shares details on murder, brothels, punting accidents, and somehow even manages to work Beyonce into the conversation.
So what else has been going on? Well . . .
— I went on tour with Tessa Gratton, Tara Hudson, and Myra McEntire.
We hit Dallas, Little Rock, Memphis, St. Louis, and Kansas City. Tess recapped the trip for Publishers Weekly!
— I had a wee launch party at Barnes & Noble in Norman, and a signing at Best of Books in Edmond.
We enjoyed a Dark Between cake at the “after party” in Norman, and at Best of Books there were Dark Between cookies created by Amber Loberg. 🙂
And this week, Tessa, Tara, and I will make 11 library visits in 5 days. Insanity, right? And yet, so cool! Here’s a poster for our Blanchard stop (click to enlarge):
You can find all the details at the Pioneer Library System webpage or check the events calendar at my webpage.
Big Hugs to all of you who came to events! Hope to meet more readers in the coming days.
P.S. If you’ve read The Dark Between, would you please consider reviewing it at Amazon and/or Barnes & Noble? It doesn’t have to be a long review or a 5 star review, just an honest assessment. (I’ve developed a thicker skin. Really.) This sort of thing helps tremendously, and I’d be ever so grateful.
[Cross-posted at Livejournal]