Photo recap

Oct 12, 2010

Last Wednesay, Steve and I flew to Phoenix and stayed at the Intercontinental Montelucia. He attended a conference while I furiously worked on revisions.

Our room at the Intercontinental boasted this view of Camelback Mountain. Such a beautiful resort!

I didn’t work every minute of my time there. In fact, I enjoyed a facial and pedicure (see shiny purple toes!) and spent some time by the pool.

On Friday Steve’s parents picked us up and took us back to their place for a very relaxing visit. This is a shot of Steve’s adopted “little sister” Ashley, who despite getting on in years (& being blind in one eye) is still very spry and affectionate.

[BTW, on Saturday afternoon we saw The Town, which was very good, but I would have enjoyed it so much more without the constant talking and texting of all the people around us. FOR SHAME, PEOPLE! Why do some folks think the movie theater is their living room? *rage*]

Perhaps the most exciting event of our trip was when our plane pulled out of its final approach to DFW. After several minutes in a holding pattern, the pilot announced that there’d been a malfunction warning on the landing gear, but we were safe to land anyway. For some reason, I did not panic, but it was strange to see three firetrucks zooming toward us as we hit the runway (with only a weird bobble to the left). The passengers cheered as we landed, but only fifteen minutes later they were grousing about missed connections. I was more than happy to wait for maintenance to pin the nose gear before we gated. Then again, we had a longish layover to OKC. (Apologies to Facebook friends who were already subjected to this story!)

I was thrilled to find this book waiting for me when we got home. My work-in-progress is set in a college based on Newnham at Cambridge, so this semi-autobiographical (?) novel published in 1901 will be very helpful. And I just LOVE old books!

Check out the gorgeous frontispiece and title page. The novel is fascinating to read, but some of the sentimentality is cloying. For example:

To both girls that walk was memorable, as the opening chapter in a volume which was to become even more helpful than the dearest of their silent friends, the books that both loved so passionately, to which their talk so often turned. They were turning the first pages in the book of friendship, the most absorbing of all books. (39)

This excerpt is rather mild compared to others, but I still treasure the book for the amazing wealth of detail on the college and student life in the early twentieth century.

Now . . . back to work!

[Cross-posted from Livejournal]

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