You guys! My book comes out . . . TOMORROW. Apparently there were some sightings in the wild over the weekend.
Still doesn’t seem real.
Today I am happy to announce that selected the following lovely person as the winner of a signed copy of HEREAFTER plus swag, etc.:
Congratulations! And a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who participated in my countdown to the release of THE REVENANT. I’ve so enjoyed your comments and book suggestions along the way, and I was highly intrigued by the ghost stories shared this past week. (A handless girl walking through a cemetery — that’s so Titus Andronicus! And the spirit who jumped into someone’s bed? Eeeek!)
It’s been a lot of fun!
Tomorrow I will announce the two winners of finished copies of the THE REVENANT.
And there might be another special surprise or two.
P.S. I sent an email newsletter to lots of folks today. If you received it but wish you hadn’t, feel free to click “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the email — I won’t be offended. I won’t even know you did it! If you didn’t get a newsletter but would like one in the future (I doubt there’d be more than four a year), please go here, scroll down, and enter your email addy.