I’ve been out of it for a while — last week was crazy busy, as you’ll see . . .
Saturday before last Steve and I (along with another couple) hosted a Moulin Rouge party for law students as a benefit for the Women’s Resource Center. Yes, that’s me in a can-can dress. (Steve was trying to simulate Jim Broadbent’s costume from the film — obviously we neglected to affix the elaborate mustache!) Additional photos: a shot of me, Steve and his colleague/co-host E, a tiny pic of the students (note E’s husband in the background, dressed as a bear), and check out these amazing Moulin Rouge-themed cupcakes made for us by Gigi’s.
On Monday I drove to Dallas and fetched my buddy Michelle from the airport so that we can could enjoy the big city experience before heading back to OKC. Our first stop was the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden, which currently features hundreds of amazing sculptures from Dale Chihuly. We also enjoyed afternoon tea in the restaurant. We were too starved to remember to take a photo of the soup and sandwich course, but here’s the desert course. Delicious!
After tea we visited a charming temporary exhibit entitled Small Houses of Great Artists. I wished I could turn Seurat’s house into my writing office. Van Gogh’s house was particularly cozy, and we both loved the bridge and lily pond at Monet’s house.
On Wednesday we drove to Tulsa to meet up with friends Brandi and Ange at Dragonmoon Tea Company (now to become a yearly ritual, I hope). For some reason I had my camera set to a fish eye view, but the above photo was decent enough. Here’s a close-up of the tea tray.
By Thursday I had a very pesky head cold, and I really must apologize to Michelle for being so grumpy and fuzzy in the head. She bore my misery and hostessing failures with grace, which is exactly how she handles any adversity that comes her way. (I’ll show you a better time next year, my friend!) Anyway, after I took Michelle to the airport I spent the rest of the day resting up for my big event on Friday — a visit to Deer Creek High School!
Jason Stephenson invited me to spend a couple of hours with his Creative Writing students, and I really must thank them all for such a nice time! See more photos — courtesy of Jason — at my Facebook Author Page. Great kids, excellent discussion, and some students even took notes. Heaven!
Now back to OWFI work and revisions. *sigh*
[Cross-posted at Livejournal]