This past weekend my writing group escaped to Lake Tenkiller for our annual retreat.
As usual, the camaraderie and scenery were uplifting.
Our focus for the retreat was author platform, a topic which has long given me the heebie jeebies. (What does it mean? How do I develop/enact it without making an idiot of myself and/or annoying everyone?) However, Lisa Marotta led us through a workshop so effectively that by Sunday we were all much clearer on what platform means and how we can build it in our own writing careers.
See — we know how to build a platform! (Yes, we are silly.)
Some links:
A definition of Author Platform (Jane Friedman)
Three Traits of an Author’s Platform (C. Hope Clark)
Get Known Before the Book Deal (Christina Katz)
Quotable quote: “Don’t collect a following, nuture a following.” (C. Hope Clark)
[Cross-posted at Livejournal]