Lake retreat

Jun 4, 2012

This past weekend my writing group escaped to Lake Tenkiller for our annual retreat.

As usual, the camaraderie and scenery were uplifting.

Our focus for the retreat was author platform, a topic which has long given me the heebie jeebies. (What does it mean? How do I develop/enact it without making an idiot of myself and/or annoying everyone?) However, Lisa Marotta led us through a workshop so effectively that by Sunday we were all much clearer on what platform means and how we can build it in our own writing careers.

See — we know how to build a platform! (Yes, we are silly.)

Some links:
A definition of Author Platform (Jane Friedman)
Three Traits of an Author’s Platform (C. Hope Clark)
Get Known Before the Book Deal (Christina Katz)

Quotable quote: “Don’t collect a following, nuture a following.” (C. Hope Clark)

[Cross-posted at Livejournal]

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