I have long wrestled with journal lust. I even wrote a blog post about it in 2014.
Last year I decided to get serious about this problem and committed to buying fewer journals and writing more in the ones I have. In fact, I set the goal of journaling every single day. I didn’t demand anything particularly thoughtful, elegant, or poetic of myself. I only committed to recording what happened each and every day.
To facilitate this goal AND improve organization and productivity, I made a detailed to-do list in my daily calendar and checked off tasks as they were completed. Next morning I’d write my journal entry with the help of that checklist. Occasionally I would express thinky thoughts, but mostly it was just recap.
I ended up filling two largish Paperblanks journals (Brontës ftw!) and 1/3 of a smaller one that I use as a travel journal.
At the end of last year I reorganized my office (a never-ending process) and decided to do something about those motley fruits of my journal lust. Above you see my collection of journals from adulthood. The four in front are the ones I’ve completed. The stack directly behind them is comprised of partly-filled journals. The stacks on either side are blank journals. (Yes, I do have a Paperblanks fetish.)
My journal goals for 2019 clarified over the next several days:
Goal 1: Somehow consolidate pages from partly-used journals into one volume
ACHIEVED! It’s not pretty, but all the pages are collected in a binder with clear pocket inserts.
Goal 2: Donate usable journals
ACHIEVED! I sent my friend Susan a big box of partly used (with written pages carefully torn out) and unused blank journals to use in her classroom. I’m hoping she’ll set aside a few for herself.
Goal 3: Incorporate prompts into 2019 journaling
Hmmmmmmm… I’ve done a little of this. I didn’t want to require it every day, but I was hoping for at least once or twice a week. Part of my problem is that I’m looking for the best book or website of journal prompts. Ones that are perfectly suited to me. There is no such thing! I did find these pages somewhat inspiring, however:
19 Daily Journal Prompts that Will Change the Way You Begin 2019
2019 Daily Journal Prompts by Month
Journal Prompts to Inspire you in 2019 (short, simple, reusable prompts)
What about you? Do you know a good source for journal prompts? Any funny journaling stories? Do share!