Well, you’re all winners in my book! So many lovely participants — you’re all very charming and your book/tv/film recs were WONDERFUL. In fact, I hope to devote an entire blog entry to the recommendations you made. Thank you all so much for participating and making this incredibly fun for me. I look forward to getting to know you better through Twitter, Facebook and Blogger! Hope you stick around. (& not just because there will be more giveaways in the future!)
So, without further ado, our Grand Prize winner is . . .
She will receive the ARC of THE REVENANT, hardcover copies of THE VESPERTINE and CLARITY, plus a boatload of swag.
Our two runners up are . . .
Dana Wright and Jessica Ring!
They each receive a pre-order of THE REVENANT, plus swag-o-rama.
**Winners were chosen randomly by the random.org sequence generator!**
I have emailed the winners. If for some reason I don’t hear from them within a week, I will do another drawing.
Thanks again to everyone for participating. I seriously wish I could give each of you a ginormous hug. Looking forward to seeing you around!