I’ve never been a “fun in the sun” kind of gal. Beaches crowded with oil-slicked bodies are not my thing. I did Spring Break in Florida once, but my roomate and I were under-age, so no wild parties. Instead we baked ourselves in the sun during the day and watched TV at night. Pretty boring (not to mention carcinogenic).
But I do love a deserted beach under a dramatic sky. Today I’m in Del Mar, California. Steve is a presenter at a conference and I tagged along to enjoy the nice weather and ocean views. Turns out the weather isn’t all that great, but it’s still pretty around here.
Yesterday morning I took a solitary walk down to the beach and took this photo. At one point I looked out at the waves and saw a head bobbing in the water. It immediately brought to mind L.K. Madigan’s THE MERMAID’S MIRROR. Did that bobbing head belong to a seal? Or a MERMAID? Actually, it was just a surfer. But it was a nice moment.
So I do love a beach, but I seem to prefer the ones with water too cold for swimming. I want dramatic cliffs, rocky outcroppings, colorful foliage, and a scarcity of humans. Del Mar certainly fits the bill during this trip!
[Cross-posted from Livejournal]