England 2015 postcards — Lyme Regis

Aug 7, 2015 |

Yes, I’m very much behind. This trip was two weeks ago! Above you see a view of the beach at Lyme Regis, taken from the Langmoor and Lister gardens. I took this on our first night, when the weather was mild and lovely, and the town seemed to glow with magic. The next day it poured for hours and hours, so we did some shopping, museum visiting, and lots of resting. Saturday was a gorgeous day of hiking through the Undercliff and fossil hunting on Charmouth Beach. A great trip overall, with lots of good follow-up research for a story I’m writing (inspired by last year’s trip to Lyme). Yay!

Several days after our return, I dropped my phone and completely wrecked the display. Fortunately, most of my photos had automatically backed up to Flickr, and phone replacement should be covered by our maintenance plan. It’s been quite an adjustment. Aside from the disruption to communication, I just like having my phone with me at all times for taking photos. That said, I have enjoyed experiencing Oxfordshire without the phone–it certainly helps one to live in the moment.

This weekend we will pack up for our Monday morning flight home. I love it here, and it’s been a great summer, but it’s time to get back to my house, my kitty, and my work!

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